Welcome to the Shed and Shine Podcast. I am Gino Wickman. This is where Rob Dube and I help driven entrepreneurs shed their shit, free their true selves, unlock true entrepreneurial freedom and shine. We truly appreciate you taking the time to spend with us, and we hope to make a huge impact on you.
Hello, and welcome back. I call this episode the many benefits of the Ten Disciplines in your life. Now, I have to prepare you as I lead into this content because I'm going into it struggling a little bit because, have you ever had something that you knew was going to help someone? You knew it with every ounce of your being, but you felt a little guilty, selfish, and uncomfortable selling them on it.
Now, with that said, I'm about to sell you on something. And I am compelled to because I have to, need to, want to, I'm called to because we are seeing so many results from people implementing the 10 Disciplines in their lives that I just question and ask and wrestle with, why wouldn't everyone implement these in your life?
Now, with saying that, my dad has a great quote. He talks about the only difference between a con man and a salesperson is intent. Okay, so they both use the same techniques to persuade you. It's just the con man is trying to take something from you and the salesperson is trying to give you something. So I'm trying to give you something here that is frankly free or worst case, buy the book for a few bucks and you'll have all the benefits I'm about to share with you.
But what I want to do in this episode is just bask in all of the benefits. And so where this came from is a month ago in Vancouver, I spoke to 7,000 people, and I taught them the 10 Disciplines. And out of that, what hit me is that I need to sit down and list all of the benefits of the 10 Disciplines so that I'm crystal clear, but also so that we can make it crystal clear.
And so these are all the benefits we hear from our clients that go through the group coaching, the people that read the books, the people that are in the mastermind. I just want to share those with you in the hopes that these benefits I share with you, this is the stuff you're looking for in your life, you're wanting in your life, you're needing in your life.
This is the place to get them. Okay. And so here we go. I'm going to take it one at a time and I'm going to start with discipline number one: 10 Year Thinking. And so if you will implement this discipline in your life, time will slow down. There is a peace that will come over you. You will make better decisions.
You will get there faster. Creating a 10 Year Thinking vision and sharing it with someone brings you closer together. You will achieve clarity, And you will achieve alignment in your life. Everything will align. So if that's appealing to you, I urge you to implement 10 Year Thinking in your life.
Number two is Take Time Off. What this will do for you is it will help you recharge your battery. It will help you sharpen the saw. It will help you avoid burnout. You will never experience burnout again. You will be more creative. You will have better ideas. You will have more energy. You will see everything so much clearer and you will experience the fullness that life has to offer you.
Number three is Know Thyself. By implementing this discipline in your life, you will burn less energy. You will stop being a chameleon, which burns a ton of energy. You will be more authentic. You will be freer. You will have more fun. You will let your freak flag fly. You will FLOWT, meaning being in flow when you're working and feeling like you're floating through life.
And you will channel your energy better and have clarity. Number four is Be Still. By implementing this discipline in your life, you will have more energy, more clarity, more clarity, more clarity, more clarity. You will be more creative. You will have more and better ideas. Stuff will come up and down, I always love to say, so, so you will, things will come up layers to shed and you will get downloads.
You will experience true freedom. You will calm your nervous system. It will bring you to the present moment. You will have a greater perspective on things. And life, number five, is Know Your 100%. Implementing this discipline in your life will help you create clear boundaries. You will have clear boundaries in your life.
You will make a bigger impact. You will have more fun. You will greatly increase your income. You will maximize your energy output. You will get back Your most valuable asset, which is your time, and you will vibrate at a higher level. You will truly shine. Discipline number six is Say No... Often.
When you implement this Discipline in your life, again, boundaries will be crystal clear. You will know exactly what to say no to, and it will be easy. You will greatly increase your energy. You will eliminate low energy activities. Activity, you will float. There's that word again, F-L-O-W-T, and you will have a much clearer mind onto number seven.
Don't Do $25 an Hour Work. If you implement this discipline in your life, you will greatly increase your energy. You will. Energy-draining work, you will greatly increase your income. You will make a bigger impact. It will be more freeing. You will feel more free, and you will become clear about your real hourly rate is number eight.
Prepare Every Night. By implementing this discipline in your life, you will sleep better. You will wake up with solutions and ideas to problems that you're working on because your subconscious is working through the night when you prepare every night. You will actually get more done. You will have better dreams that you can remember and reflect on the meaning, which can be very powerful.
Number nine: Put Everything in One Place. By implementing this discipline in your life, you will be more productive. You will be more focused, you will honor your commitments, you will manage your energy better, you will have much better follow through and stop letting people down, you will be less chaotic, you will, again, get back your most valuable asset, your time, and you will have a clear mind throughout the entire day.
And number 10, by implementing this discipline, Be Humble in your life, you will attract better people to you, the journey will be better, you will feel more peaceful, you will become a better leader, And it is freeing because you will no longer feel you have anything to prove to the world. So those are the 10 disciplines and the many benefits of the 10 Disciplines implemented in your life.
I hope you enjoyed it. This motivated you if you're on the fence, and maybe you've implemented five and you're thinking about the next five, but hopefully this motivated you to implement the 10 Disciplines in your life. And if it has, just simply buy the book, read the book. The second entire half of the book is devoted to help you fully implement these into your life.
Get in our group coaching, get in the mastermind, please make these a part of your life because all of these things I just shared with you are possible. Thank you for allowing me 10 minutes of your valuable time to hopefully persuade you to implement these.
Thank you for listening in today. We truly appreciate you taking the time to spend with us and please tune in for the next episode. Until then, if you'd like to see where you are on your True Self journey, go to shedandshinepodcast.com to take the true self-assessment and receive personalized guidance. If you're all ready to begin your inner world journey with Rob and me, please join us for the next round of the 10 Disciplines Group Coaching Program.
We wish you all the best in freeing your true self. Stay focused and much love.